Friday, February 10, 2012

settlement payment - Structured Financial Settlement

The structured settlements can be made either as the lump sum or as the monthly installment basis. If you are planning to sell the structured settlements then you have to consider some factors like the legal restrictions so that both the parties must read the agreement before signing the contract. For the lump sum of payment there are no tax benefits whereas for the monthly installments there are no tax exemptions. There are no contracts for the low offers and you can compare the different companies before opting for them. It is better to appoint the lawyer in the middle to review the documents and the other complications involved in the structured settlement payments.

There are many benefits associated with the structured settlements and the most important one is the tax evasion and following the standard system is important with the periodic payments.

All the legal formalities must be followed before making the sign in the agreement and the transaction sales can be made online. Among the two ways the claimant is benefited by receiving the monthly installments. Mostly the lump sum will go for the legal fees and other charges. There is flexibility in paying the structured settlement payments and the individual can get the money throughout the life time even during the financial loss stage. The graduated payments are offered in the structured benefits and sometimes the settlement money will not be enough to pay for the needs so you can opt for the lump sum payment. First you can search about the structured settlements like the insurance company and the amount received. You can either look for the television advertisement for the companies or in the internet for making the structured settlement sale.

You can contact the company so that they will send you the application form along with the documents then they will review the documents and make the settlement according to the court schedule. The law differs for the different state and after the approval of the judge only the transaction takes place. The future cash payments will help you to receive the cash throughout the life time. The structured settlement payment for the annuity is offered to the injured to claim for the medical bills and other expenses. Some of the companies provide discounts for the payment for selling the structured settlements. There are some agents to handle the structure settlements payments for the individuals.


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Time Zone Map ? Friday, December 21 2012 ?..item 1..Fired Mayport warship XO named ?worst boss? (December 21, 2011) ?..item 4..2012-predictions-review ? The Sun is passing through the House of Ophiuchus ?
settlement payment

Image by marsmet511
eBossWatch, whose slogan is "Nobody Should Have to Work with a Jerk," listed Lt. Cmdr. Joseph Baxter as the 76th out of 100 terrible bosses in its third annual ranking of bosses.

???****** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ???
?..item 1)?. The Florida Times-Union ? ? Fired Mayport warship XO named ?worst boss?

Submitted by Jeff Brumley on December 21, 2011 ? 3:11pm


The former executive officer of the Jacksonville-based USS Gettysburg was named one of America?s worst bosses by a website that lets employees rate their supervisors.

eBossWatch, whose slogan is "Nobody Should Have to Work with a Jerk," listed Lt. Cmdr. Joseph Baxter as the 76th out of 100 terrible bosses in its third annual ranking of bosses.

Baxter made the news last summer when he received non-judicial punishment on charges sexual harassment and assault, and of conduct unbecoming to an officer.

He wasn?t the only military officer on the list. Cmdr. Liam Bruen was listed at number 25 after being accused of retaliating against a junior officer who had accused him of sexual harassment.

The entire list can be seen here.


"An eBossWatch panel of workplace experts selected and ranked the worst bosses from across the country," the organization said on its website. " To date, the 2011 America?s Worst Bosses have cost their employers over 5 million in monetary damages and lawsuit settlement payments."
?..item 2)..web-link? Official Countdown Timer ?Time until Friday, December 21, 2012 at 11:11:11 AM (GMT time).

What time would 11:11 GMT be where I live?
I put this time zone conversion chart together to show what time it will be in other parts of the world at exactly 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Our countdown timer has been carefully calculated and verified to be accurate right down to the very last second.

Add our Official December 21 2012 Countdown clock to your website, blog, MySpace page, Facebook wall, or other social networking site.

To add our Official Countdown Clock, simply copy the code below and paste it on your site, blog or social networking page.
???????????????????????. ???????????????????????. ???????????????..
?..item 3)? video?.Everything 2012 Earth Changes Part 2 of 3??.9:54 minutes..
???????????????????????. ???????????????????????. ????????????????
?..item 4)? 2012-predictions-review .. The New York Times
July 1, 2007


A general unbiased overview of all things 2012 ? offers cayce nostradamus prophecy predictions 2012 future

"The Mayan calendar is at the center of a cultural phenomenon. To some, 2012 will bring the end of time; to others, it carries the promise of a new beginning; to still others, 2012 provides an explanation for troubling new realities ? environmental change, for example ? that seem to go beyond the control of our technology and impervious to reason. Just in time for the final five-year countdown, the Mayan apocalypse has come of age."

The Dark Rift | 13th House of the Zodiac |Ophiucus

img code photo ? The Dark Rift


The Dark Rift

The 13th House of the Zodiac is called Ophiuchus. If you are following a Gregorian Calendar to keep track of time then you are a Sagittarian if you were born between November 22 and December 21 but to the the true laws of the Universe would tell you differently. The Sun is passing through the House of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, between November 30th and December 17th. This is a yearly astronomical ritual that has been recurring for milleniums. Ancient Astronomers would have known this.

During these few weeks in December, every year the atmosphere changes. If you feel more light headed than usual it may be due to the increased helium particles in the air which is coming into the planetary system from an interstellar wind.

This presents no danger for humanity at the moment states NASA but things could change if the level of helium particles was to increase. Don?t take my word for it check out the audio version of NASA?s article on the 13th House of the Zodiac.

I will allow myself to fantasize about what could possibly happen on December 21st, 2012.

NASA and other astrologers are well aware of the cosmic alignments due during the winter solstice of 2012. This will be different than previous years because of the perfect alignment which only occurs every 26000 years according to the ancient astronomical calendars. The amount of Helium will increase every year until then and the people of the third rock from the Sun will be floating on cloud nine ? this will give rise to a powerful ecclesiastic spiritual shift of consciousness to humanity.

"Meaningless! Meaningless!"
says the Teacher.

"Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless."

3 What does man gain from all his labor
at which he toils under the sun?

4 Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.

5 The sun rises and the sun sets,
and hurries back to where it rises.

6 The wind blows to the south
and turns to the north;
round and round it goes,
ever returning on its course.

7 All streams flow into the sea,
yet the sea is never full.
To the place the streams come from,
there they return again.

8 All things are wearisome,
more than one can say.
The eye never has enough of seeing,
nor the ear its fill of hearing.

9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

10 Is there anything of which one can say,
"Look! This is something new"?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.

11 There is no remembrance of men of old,
and even those who are yet to come
will not be remembered
by those who follow.

5 years left?.4 ?.3?..two?.and humanity reaches

Nirvana (Nir?va?na) (n?r-v?1ne, ner-) n.
[Sanskrit, nirv?Nam, a blowing out, extinction, nirvana: nis-, nir-, out, away + v?ti, it blows. Pali, nibbana; Jap., nehan]

1. Often Nirvana, a. Buddhism. The ineffable ultimate in which one has attained disinterested wisdom and compassion. b. Hinduism. Emancipation from ignorance and the extinction of all attachment.

2. An ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy.

3. The ability to consciously pause an activity or activities of the mind. Her mind became inactive, the result was the experience of nirvana.

4. A state of liberation from unhappiness. Illumination, characterized by the merging of the individual, transitory I in consciousness. Nirvana frees one from suffering and fear of death. It is the highest, transcendent consciousness, referred to in the Bhagavad-Gita as brahman-nirvana, in the Upanishads as turiya, in yoga as nirbija-samadhi, and in Vedanta as nirvikalpa-samadhi.

5. The goal of spiritual practice in all branches of Buddhism. In the understanding of early Buddhism, it is departure from the cycle of unhappiness and entry into an entirely different mode of existence. It requires complete overcoming of the three unwholesome roots?undisciplined-desire, hatred, and delusion (akushala). Nirvana is unconditioned (asamskrita) consciousness. Its characteristic marks are pausing the activities of the mind in a state of consciousness.

6. In Mahayana, nirvana is an emphasis on the unified nature of the world. Nirvana is conceived as a human experience of oneness with unconditioned consciousness (the absolute). Which gives insight into the unity of the world (samsara), body, mind and soul. It is a state of transcending conditioned consciousness. It is also described as dwelling in the experience of the intense bliss in cognizing one?s identity with unconditioned consciousness. It is freedom from attachment to the states of unhappiness, satisfaction and happiness.

7. In the West nirvana has often been misunderstood as mere annihilation; even in early Buddhism it was not so conceived. Nirvana literally means "The blowing out of a candle". The fire that goes out does not pass away, but merely becomes invisible by passing into a conscious experience of space (akasha); thus the term nirvana does not indicate annihilation but rather entry into another mode of existence and experience. The fire that comes forth is the self. From consciously experiencing space the self dissolves momentarily. Self-flame thus returns back, and the conscious experience of space dissolves. Thus nirvana is a special experience not conceived by the perception of sight, but rather by consciously discarding conditioned brainwave activity. It is an experience that takes place in time but is also a timeless experience. This is the "emptiness" which is referred to in Buddhist Sutras.

8. Nirvana means "bliss," but far more often nirvana is characterized merely as a process of the cessation of the states of unhappiness, satisfaction, and happiness. For Buddhism, which sees all of human existence as suffering, nirvana interpreted as the cessation of suffering suffices as a goal for the spiritual effort.

9. In Hinayana two types of nirvana are distinguished: nirvana which consists of knowledge and nirvana where knowledge exists though in an uncreated form. Both being experiences of different modes of consciousness. It is reached through successively overcoming the various states of mind; knowledge of unhappiness, knowledge of satisfaction and knowledge of happiness. For the overcoming of each state a specific "realm of knowledge" is acquired. For the Sautrantikas nirvana is just the transcendence of the lower states of knowledge; unhappiness, satisfaction and happiness, but not their complete disappearance. The knowledge of nirvana is based on knowledge of unhappiness, satisfaction and happiness. Therefore, transcendence means additional knowledge, not discarding of knowledge. In the Vatsiputriya school, which puts forth the idea of the "individual" (pudgala, anatman), nirvana is a positive state in which the individual?s knowledge continues to exist and grow, but is easily turned off when not needed. Leaving a bright clear consciousness associated with sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.

Thinking becomes focused, direct and clear.

10. In Mahayana nirvana has a positive character, since it is state of awareness of one?s identity with unclouded consciousness. The experience of unity that encompasses the experiencer includes one?s own body and mind. In this view, there is no essential distinction between the soul, mind, body or world, because they are experienced in an interconnected way.

11. Two types of nirvana are distinguished: indeterminate (apratishthita-nirvana) and complete (pratishthita-nirvana). In actuality, the experiencer moves between both types of nirvana. Having the capability to cease the activities of the mind and to create mental activity in various combinations of thought, seeing, hearing and remembering, etc.

12. The Madhyamikas see nirvana as emptiness (shunyata), which they define as "coming to rest of the manifold creations of the mind." This means the cessation or absence (temporarily) of the activity of the mind. Nirvana is a conscious experience of the oneness with reality that had always existed, only is not recognized. Nirvana and samsara are not different if one perceives the world in its true nature, which is emptiness. It is our discriminating mind that prevents us from recognizing this true nature.

13. Nirvana for the Yogachara is the awareness that the world as we know it is a manifestation of the mind. This "mind-only" teaching is the cessation of discrimination of the world, nirvana and all objects.

Experiences are made of objects in the presence of the senses interacting with the mind. The perception that the objects seen are separate from the mind are created as a result of an unconsciousness mind.

This school recognizes two types of nirvana: that of the arhat, with whom, only silent knowledge remains.

It is a coming to rest, a consciously experienced bliss. The nirvana of the Buddha is seen as a conscious exercise of compassion. Where the Buddha knowingly seeks ways to help others attain nirvana. In this form of nirvana, which exhibits a positive character and represents conscious unity with all beings, the individual continues in force.

14. In Zen Buddhism nirvana is the realization of the true nature of the mind (consciousness), which is identical with the true nature of how human beings experience their world?the buddha-nature (bussho).

This realization is only possible through wisdom. Thus nirvana is often equated with prajna. In the Zen sense, prajna and nirvana are two aspects of the same state. Nirvana is the state in which a person lives who has attained prajna and thus also insight into his own mind or true nature; and prajna is the wisdom of a person who has attained nirvana. "The Bodhisattva?s nirvana is perfect tranquillity, but it is not extinction nor inertness." Buddha, Lankavatara Scripture, Goddard.

15. Early Chinese Buddhism, which originated the Nirvana School in the 5th century, includes the teachings of the Mahaparinirvana-sutra. The teachings of this sutra are nirvana is eternal, joyous, personal, and pure in nature. This contrasts with the view put forward in the Prajnaparamita-sutra, in which nirvana is described as the realization of emptiness (shunyata). All beings possess buddha-nature and can attain buddhahood. In this sense the true self is like the Tathagata. The Nirvana school also originated the practice, so characteristic of Chinese Buddhism, of dividing the teachings of the Buddha into phases. The Mahaparinirvana-sutra is considered to be the last of the Buddha?s discourses.

Labels: Dark Rift, day of purification, Ecclesiastes, Nirvana, Ophiucus



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