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Iraq joins Iran in opposing U.S.-led military strike in Syria Washington Post, by?Liz Sly |
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Posted By:NorthernDog, 9/8/2013 10:00:14 PM |
BEIRUT ? Iran won Iraqi support for its efforts to oppose a U.S.-led military strike on Syria during a visit to Baghdad on Sunday by the new Iranian foreign minister, highlighting how close the two countries have grown since U.S. forces withdrew in 2011. Speaking during his first visit abroad since he was appointed last month, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javed Zarif warned that U.S. intervention in Syria risks igniting a regionwide war. ?Those who are short-sighted and are beating the drums of war are starting a fire that will burn everyone,? Zarif said during a news conference. Standing alongside
Comments: Give ?Bam credit. He has united the world against us.
?? ??
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Scottyboy, 9/8/2013 10:25:20 PM?????(No. 9512085)
Thanks to GWB, the newly liberated Iraq was an American ally when Obama took office. . . . But King Barry tore that asunder against military advice as soon as he could and now look where we?re at. Dumber and more dangerous than J. Carter. This guy scares me.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
KTWO, 9/9/2013 12:50:02 AM?????(No. 9512166)
This makes sense for Iraq. They are very likely to be next if Assad falls. Islamists have no love for Iraq?s secular government. But how about today? Iraq, not stable itself, can hardly welcome more refugees coming out of Syria. So why back Obama and bombing?
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Iraq joins Iran in opposing U.S.-led military strike in Syria
Washington Post, by Liz Sly???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/8/2013 10:00:14 PM ???
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BEIRUT ? Iran won Iraqi support for its efforts to oppose a U.S.-led military strike on Syria during a visit to Baghdad on Sunday by the new Iranian foreign minister, highlighting how close the two countries have grown since U.S. forces withdrew in 2011. Speaking during his first visit abroad since he was appointed last month, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javed Zarif warned that U.S. intervention in Syria risks igniting a regionwide war. ?Those who are short-sighted and are beating the drums of war are starting a fire that will burn everyone,? Zarif said during a news conference. Standing alongside
Fan falls to death during 49ers- Packers game at Candlestick Park
Associated Press, by Staff???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/8/2013 9:57:35 PM ???
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SAN FRANCISCO ? A football fan fell from an elevated pedestrian walkway and died at San Francisco?s Candlestick Park during the 49ers-Green Bay Packers game. San Francisco police spokesman Gordon Shyy (SHY) says multiple people witnessed the man?s fall onto a sidewalk from the Jamestown walkway, which goes around Candlestick. According to police, witnesses say the man appeared intoxicated when he fell just after kickoff at about 1:30 p.m. Sunday in the 49ers? 34-28 win over the Packers. Off-duty medics and police officers gave him first aid until an ambulance arrived, but the man was declared dead from his injuries.
Lingering doubts over Syria gas attack evidence
Associated Press, by Zeina Karam and Kimberly Dozier???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/8/2013 7:49:40 AM ???
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BEIRUT ? The U.S. government insists it has the intelligence to prove it, but the American public has yet to see a single piece of concrete evidence ? no satellite imagery, no transcripts of Syrian military communications ? connecting the government of President Bashar Assad to the alleged chemical weapons attack last month that killed hundreds of people. In the absence of such evidence, Damascus and its ally Russia have aggressively pushed another scenario: that rebels carried out the Aug. 21 chemical attack. Neither has produced evidence for that case, either. That?s left more questions than answers as the U.S.
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Retired Justice Sandra Day O?Connor, in Boise, laments ?alarming degree of public ignorance?
Idaho Statesman [Boise. ID], by Katie Terhune???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/7/2013 10:39:37 PM ???
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Two-thirds of Americans cannot name a single Supreme Court justice, former Justice Sandra Day O?Connor told the crowd that packed into a Boise State ballroom to hear her Thursday. About one-third can name the three branches of government. Fewer than one-fifth of high school seniors can explain how citizen participation benefits democracy. (Snip) That ignorance starts in the earliest years of a child?s schooling, she said, but often continues all the way through college and graduate school. O?Connor argued that learning about citizenship is just as important for American children as learning multiplication or how to write their names. "We have
3 deaths may be tied to synthetic marijuana in Colorado
CNN, by Jacque Wilson???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/6/2013 11:06:05 PM ???
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Three people in Colorado may have died after smoking synthetic marijuana, state health officials fear. The Colorado Department of Public Health has launched an investigation into an outbreak of illnesses at hospitals that may be tied to the dangerous substance. (Snip) Known as K2, Spice, Black Mamba, Mr. Smiley and Blaze, among other things, synthetic marijuana can have more serious consequences than regular marijuana, which is legal in Colorado. These synthetic cannabinoids are a blend of plant and herbal materials that have been sprayed with chemicals, producing an extra toxicity, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Sold most
Conservative leader Abbott expected to win Australian election as polls open
Reuters, by Rob Taylor???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/6/2013 10:48:06 PM ???
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SYDNEY - Australia?s conservative leader Tony Abbott, expected to win national elections on Saturday and end six years of Labor rule, cast his vote at a Sydney surf club, joking he?d rather be enjoying the beach than campaigning. A confident Abbott, who is often photographed in his swimming costume at his local Manly Beach, was accompanied by his wife and daughters in warm spring sunshine. (Snip) Abbott built up a strong poll lead on the back of promises to rein in government spending, scrap an unpopular tax on carbon emissions, and stop the flow of refugee boats arriving in Australia?s
Obama Fails in Bid for Wide Backing for Syria Attack
New York Times, by Peter Baker and Steven Lee Myers???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/6/2013 10:42:22 PM ???
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STRELNA, Russia ? President Obama raced home on Friday to confront one of the biggest tests of his presidency as he ramped up a campaign to persuade Congress to support airstrikes against Syria that many world leaders he had consulted declined to back. After two days of lobbying that included a vigorous dinner debate that went into the early morning hours, Mr. Obama failed to forge an international consensus behind military action as other leaders urged him not to attack without United Nations permission. But he won agreement from some allies on blaming Syria?s government for a chemical weapons attack
A quarter of recent college graduates lack jobs
CNBC, by John Carney???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/6/2013 5:46:23 PM ???
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There?s been a lot of push back on my claim that JPMorgan Chase?s exit from student loans is a classic sign of a credit bubble deflating. Jordan Weissmann at the Atlantic sums up the case against me nicely: There are plenty of rational reasons why a Wall Street Behemoth like JPMorgan might have given up on the student loan game, none of which have anything to do with an impending market collapse. To start, the business used to be much more lucrative. Under the old federal lending program, private banks issued loans to college kids, and the debts were guaranteed
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Tropical storm Gabrielle fizzles: Why has hurricane season been so calm?
Christian Science Monitor, by Pete Spotts???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/5/2013 10:41:58 PM ???
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The weather system that had become tropical storm Gabrielle overnight Wednesday has abruptly lost strength and was demoted to tropical-depression status with sustained winds of only 35 miles per hour at 11 a.m. Thursday. (Snip) The number of named storms is on pace to fall within the range several seasonal forecasts have projected. On average, however, the season should have seen its first hurricane by now, and none has emerged. Indeed, the first major hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 111 miles an hour or more, typically appears around Sept. 4, notes Dennis Felgen, spokesmen for the National Hurricane Center.
Michael Vick says younger teammates don?t respect him
USA Today, by Nate Scott???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/5/2013 10:31:18 PM ???
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After a skirmish during Thursday?s practice between Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper and cornerback Cary Williams, video captured Eagles quarterback Michael Vick stepping in and trying to break up the fight. After practice, Vick was still rattled by the incident. When a reporter approached Vick in the locker room and congratulated the QB on being a peacemaker in the altercation, Vick didn?t want to hear it. ?I try to be the peacemaker,? said Vick, ?but these young dudes don?t respect me.? After a minute, Vick went on: ?Our maturity level?s gotta be on a whole different plane. Regardless of who the
Pro-pot groups target Denver Broncos to urge NFL to legalize marijuana
Guardian [UK], by Paolo Bandini???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/5/2013 8:49:24 PM ???
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It?s not often that people feel sorry for NFL players. With even the lowest-paid rookies earning hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, they live a life that most fans could only dream of. But in the states of Colorado and Washington, the general public enjoy at least one privilege that NFL players do not. As long as they are 21 or older, those fans can smoke marijuana. Despite being legalised in both of those two states, marijuana remains on the NFL?s list of banned substances; players found to have used the drug are punishable with fines and suspensions. Not
Russian warships cross Bosphorus, en route to Syria
Agence France-Presse, by Staff???
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Posted By: NorthernDog- 9/5/2013 8:09:52 PM ???
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Three Russian warships crossed Turkey?s Bosphorus Strait Thursday en route to the eastern Mediterranean, near the Syrian coast, amid concern in the region over potential US-led strikes in response to the Damascus regime?s alleged use of chemical weapons. The SSV-201 intelligence ship Priazovye, accompanied by the two landing ships Minsk and Novocherkassk passed through the Bosphorus known as the Istanbul strait that separates Asia from Europe, an AFP photographer reported. The Priazovye on Sunday started its voyage from its home port of Sevastopol in Ukraine "to the appointed region of military service in the eastern Mediterranean", a military official told
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Ed Asner Explains Hollywood Silence on Obama, Syria: They ?Don?t Want to Feel Anti-Black?
Hollywood Reporter, by Paul Bond???
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Posted By: mitzi- 9/7/2013 8:17:34 AM ???
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Don?t look for Iraq War-style protests, says the liberal activist, who -- like "M*A*S*H" star Mike Farrell -- opposes military action. In 2003, ahead of a U.S. attack on Iraq, a robust anti-war movement in Hollywood included a TV commercial starring Martin Sheen and Sean Penn visiting Baghdad. There were online petitions signed by Ed Asner; letters to President George W. Bush pleading for peace were signed by Matt Damon, Tim Robbins, Barbra Streisand and Alec Baldwin; former M*A*S*H star Mike Farrell fronted multiple press conferences where celebrities denounced war. In interviews, Janeane Garofalo stopped identifying herself as an actor
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Obama returns from G20 for a round of Syria strike phone pitches ? and golf
Washington Times (D.C), by Dave Boyer???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 9/7/2013 8:02:25 PM ???
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Between phone calls urging lawmakers to authorize a military attack against Syria, President Obama went golfing Saturday. Mr. Obama played a round of golf with three White House aides at Andrews Air Force Base in suburban Maryland. As his motorcade left the White House grounds near the South Lawn en route to the golf course shortly before 1 p.m., anti-war protesters demonstrated outside the fence on the north side of the White House. The president also received an update Saturday from Chief of Staff Denis McDonough about the administration?s efforts to persuade Congress to support a limited missile strike against
If it Wasn?t Syria it Would Have Been Something Else
National Review, by Victor Davis Hanson???
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Posted By: FlyRight- 9/7/2013 7:23:40 AM ???
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It is very possible that the president will not obtain a join authorization to bomb Syria; if he chooses to go ahead and attack anyway, Obama will incite a constitutional crisis?the first time in history that a president has decided to go to war against the declared wishes of Congress. The public and the courts will adjudicate the legality of that act, and it would be contentious. So the corner that Obama has painted himself into is now inescapable. Defying Congress will put the country into a Watergate/Monicagate mess. Not doing anything will confirm the administration?s impotence and only enhance
Obama to hold Syria interviews with 6 TV networks
Politico, by Jennifer Epstein???
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Posted By: BuckeyeRon- 9/7/2013 4:37:37 PM ???
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President Obama will sit for interviews Monday with six TV networks as he makes his case to the nation for military intervention in Syria. Obama will tape interviews Monday afternoon with anchors from ABC, CBS and NBC, as well as with PBS, CNN and Fox News, the White House said. The interviews will be conducted by ABC?s Diane Sawyer, CBS?s Scott Pelley, CNN?s Wolf Blitzer, Fox?s Chris Wallace, NBC?s Brian Williams and PBS?s Gwen Ifill. The interviews will air that night, ahead of Obama?s Tuesday speech on Syria.
Barack Obama?s delusions of grandeur: compares Syria intervention to fighting World War Two
Telegraph [UK], by Nile Gardiner???
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Posted By: Attercliffe- 9/8/2013 12:33:28 AM ???
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A key part of President Obama?s press conference in St. Petersburg last Friday went largely under the radar in the US media--his bizarre analogy between the crisis in Syria, and the London Blitz. [Snip] Those kinds of interventions, these kinds of actions are always unpopular, because they seem distant and removed. And I want to make sure I?m being clear. I?m not--I?m not drawing an analogy to World War II, other than to say when London was getting bombed, it was profoundly unpopular, both in Congress and around the country, to help the British.
Peter King: ?I?m running for president?
Hill [Washington, DC], by Julian Hattem???
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Posted By: BuckeyeRon- 9/8/2013 11:07:51 AM ???
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Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) is running for president. In a radio interview this week, the Republican lawmaker told a New Hampshire station that he was in the state ?because right now I?m running for president,? according to The New York Daily News. The visit was King?s second of four trips to the traditional home of the nation?s first presidential primary. The announcement makes King the first Republican to officially declare their intentions to run for president in 2016. King has previously expressed an interest in running for president, though Democrats including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have had their doubts
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John McCain: ?Maybe we should legalize? pot
Yahoo! News, by Eric Pfeiffer???
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Posted By: BuckeyeRon- 9/7/2013 6:43:11 PM ???
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Drug war hawk John McCain is turning pot dove. McCain appears open to making a dramatic shift on marijuana policy, saying during a town-hall meeting in Arizona that he?s open to potentially legalizing weed. ?Maybe we should legalize. We?re certainly moving that way as far as marijuana is concerned,? McCain said in comments first reported by Arizona Daily Star columnist Tim Steller. ?I respect the will of the people." In the past, McCain has been a hard-liner on federal drug policy. During his 2000 presidential primary campaign, the Arizona Republican suggested increasing penalties and sentence guidelines for those convicted
?I?m going to knock out the next white person who walks by?: Chilling words of man before he punched 62-year-old stranger*
Daily Mail [UK], by Jessica Jerreat???
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Posted By: Attercliffe- 9/7/2013 5:09:56 PM ???
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A 31-year-old African American who allegedly said he wanted to attack the next white person who walked by could be charged with hate crimes after punching three people in an apparent racially motivated attack. One of his victims, 62-year-old Jeffrey Babbitt, has been left brain damaged after being punched to the ground in New York?s Union Square on Wednesday afternoon, in a senseless attack that shocked onlookers. Witnesses were shocked at the unexpected violence in Union Square on Wednesday afternoon, as Lashawn Marten punched Mr Babbitt and two other men after allegedly making racist comments. He said "the next white person who
Petraeus calls on Congress to back White House on Syria
Politico, by Mike Allen???
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Posted By: BuckeyeRon- 9/7/2013 4:28:30 PM ???
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Retired Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, former CIA director under President Barack Obama, called strongly Saturday for Congress to back the White House on Syria, declaring that military action against the regime is ?necessary? to deter ?Iran, North Korea and other would-be aggressors.? ?Failure of Congress to approve the president?s request would have serious ramifications not just in the Mideast but around the world,? Petraeus said in a four-sentence statement provided to Politico. (Snip) In his years as U.S. commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, Petraeus was regarded by many Republican lawmakers as a god on military matters.
Little Rock school district will now make teachers wear underwear
Daily Caller, by Eric Owens???
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Posted By: MissMolly- 9/7/2013 5:55:51 AM ???
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The school district in Little Rock, Ark. has announced plans for a dress code that will require teachers to wear underwear. Every single day. Female teachers will have to wear bras, too. An Aug. 29 letter from the Little Rock School District?s Office of the Superintendent to all employees explains that the dress code will officially go into effect in the fall of 2014. ?Foundational garments shall be worn and not visible with respect to color, style, and/or fabric,? the letter reads. ?No see-through or sheer clothing shall be allowed, and no skin shall be visible between pants/trousers, skirts, and shirts/blouses at
Arctic ice cap grows 60% in one year
American Thinker, by Rick Moran???
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Posted By: magnante- 9/8/2013 10:44:08 AM ???
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A much cooler than expected summer has caused more than a million square miles of ocean to be covered in ice this year - a 60% increase from August, 2012. See for yourself (snip)The rebound from 2012?s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013. Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia?s northern shores.
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Source: http://www.lucianne.com/thread/?artnum=751311
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